International Latino Book Awards
Showing 61–72 of 290 results
DLee’s Snow Day: The Snow Kids and the Curious Cat Bilingual Story
This story captures the beauty and magic of a child’s first snowfall.
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Doña Tina
Doña Tina narra la historia de una matriarca pueblerina con ambiciones capitalinas cuya vida se inicia en el siglo antepasado.
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Dos Santos
A rare glimpse into the life of the lost Taíno culture, while retracing the early Spanish conquest of the new world.
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El Amor de Tu Nombre: Poemas de dios, de diosas y de adioses
Lleno de humor y trascendencia, una de las grandes voces de la literatura del sentimiento en Estados Unidos.
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El bosque iluminado
Mateo explores deeper issues of guilt and redemption, betrayal and forgiveness, evil and love.
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El Deporte de Criar: Un Librito Lindo de Arte y Reflexiones
A place were we connect with our parents, children, our own roles as caregivers and were we celebrate life’s gift of family.
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El despertar: La saga de Ydron
Una tierra vasta y diversa donde telépatas y aquellos con habilidades mentales extraordinarias cambian el curso de los eventos.
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El Experimento Chicago
Tells the story of the unbelievable relationship between a psychiatrist and his subject of study. The twin souls and twin flames phenomena.
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El increíble viaje con mi abuelo a… la terraza de su casa
They don’t really know what they will find, but once they have climbed the stairs, there is no turning back.
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El Jardín de los Gnomos
Focuses on the advantages of solving problems as a group. The gnomes in their garden might be under a spell.
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El Lago de los Milagros
La constante lucha entre el bien y el mal se escenifica en la tierra de Lubathar para revelar el verdadero sentido de la vida: los sueños.
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El pasajero: The Passenger
Modernist compositions that have an existential character and sensory beauty.
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