El Deporte de Criar (The Sport of Parenting) is a love letter from parents to their children. With musical reflections, beautiful paintings and vibrant colors, this book reminds us that we are not alone in doubt and guilt, that we are valuable moms and dads because we do the very best that we can. To our kids… it lets them take a peek at the wonderful world of unconditional love and evokes the feeling of empathy. El Deporte de Criar (The Sport of Parenting) is a place were we connect with our parents, with our children, with our own roles as caregivers and we celebrate life’s gift of family.
About the Author: Oyuki Aguilar
Oyuki Aguilar was born in Tijuana Mexico. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis before having children and constantly worries about being healthy enough to take care of her family. She writes and paints to leave her children a legacy in which important values are encouraged to become happy, honest and kind human beings. Oyuki is a Montessori Teacher and Psychologist with a minor in art. She is married, has a girl and a boy and they live in Southern California.
Vuelen por encima de la locura colectiva repetitiva que a veces lastima a la humanidad más que enriquecerla. Sean sus propios diseños originales y yo los amaré orgullosamente por ello. Soar above all the repetitive craziness that sometimes hurts humanity more than improve it. Be your own original design and I will love you proudly for it.