SUN NIGHT follows the lives of two brothers growing up in Panama in 1976. Sebastian and Santiago live in a home with an alcoholic and philanderer father. Their mother, Michelle, an English teacher, takes on the role of both parents while trying to keep her marriage alive for her children’s sake. The brothers keep strong through all the adversity of their lives by stories they tell each other when they go to sleep at night. Sebastian utilizes the sun as the protagonist that connects the scenarios in the stories he tells his brother every night. The sun character is powerful, it has the ability to push itself through from one side of the planet to the other and able to go through the mouth of a volcano to make the night a day again. The narratives are rich in wisdom and color, a contrast from their real life. The family is later exposed to a tragic incident that tests everyone’s strengths. The book culminates with a reflection in the author’s own words bringing closure to the challenges he was exposed to in his youth in addition to considering the meaning of all he learned from his brother.
About the Author: E.H. de la Espriella
E.H. de la Espriella was born and raised in Panama. He is an award-winning author and designer working as a design and branding creative leader. He is also a fine artist working in oils, collage, drawing, and photography. Mr. de la Espriella lives in Orlando, Florida with his family. Mr. de la Espriella has written his first book, SUN NIGHT, a creative memoir, a salute to his childhood years growing up in Panama with his brother. His book has already been recognized with a President's Book Award by the Florida Authors and Publishers Association in August 2018.