Cantos del alma y del corazón expresa sentimientos y emociones brotadas de la experiencia del diario vivir. Esta colección de 50 poemas provee al lector con una sensible perspectiva del amor, la familia, y la cultura entre otros temas. Cada poema es complementado por una fotografía que sirve como fondo pintoresco para encarecer su significado. Finalmente, un apéndice de actividades sirve como material suplementario para la instrucción y discusión de la poesía en el aula bilingüe.
About the Author: Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez
Dr. María Alma González Pérez was born and raised in Ramireño, TX, a rural community on the Texas - Mexico border. After graduating as salutatorian of her class, Dr. Pérez attended Texas Woman's University in Denton, Texas, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in English and Spanish and a minor in education. She then obtained a Master of Arts degree in Spanish. She has additional certifications in reading, English-as-a-Second Language (ESL), and supervision. Her doctorate is in education with specialization in bilingual education from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Her dissertation is entitled “The Relationship Between Spanish Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement Among Graduates of a Small High School in South Texas.” Dr. Pérez taught English, Spanish, and Creative Writing for the Zapata Independent School District for 21 years. Thereafter, she served as full-time professor of bilingual education with The University of Texas - Pan American in Edinburg, Texas, and then as director for UTPA (now UTRGV) at Starr County in Río Grande City, TX, which specializes in the preparation of bilingual education teachers. She is a lifelong resident of the Texas Rio Grande Valley border area and is a proud mother of three daughters.
"La poesía nos puede trasladar hacia el infinito. Podemos sentir lo que otras gentes en otros tiempos sintieron. Todo ese sentir del corazón humano y todos esos sentimientos los podemos vivir a través del melodioso ritmo y las bellas palabras de la poesía. Qué manera más hermosa de comunicarle al mundo, 'Soy como tú y es por eso que yo también siento lo que sientes tú!' " - excerpt, Dr. Pérez REVIEWS: “Dr. Maria Alma González Pérez has written a beautiful collection of poems in Spanish entitled CANTOS DEL ALMA Y DEL CORAZON. It’s an emotional assortment of 50 poems to celebrate love, love of her parents, love of family, and love of her culture. We especially loved her poem, Vivamos La Realidad, which translates roughly into Living the Truth. In it she proclaims that it is the blood of the people that carries the truth of their race and the truth of their identity. Another striking aspect of González Pérez’ book is that each poem is paired with a stunning photograph that compliments the poem. The words alone are rich, emotional and memorable, but alongside the photo the reader gets an immediate visual that strikes at the heart faster. If we could, we would rip out each page and frame them to display around the house. Bravo, Dr. González Pérez, Bravo.” – Maria Ferrer, Latina Book Club
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Book Author
Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez
Del Alma Publications, LLC
En Español
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