A collection of 15 poems by acclaimed author Alma Flor Ada. Some of the poems are lullabies to be sang to the very young child, others are the reflections of the joys of the expectant mother. These musical poetry has been put to music by renown Argentinian composer and singer Suni Paz, who has been able to capture the unique delightful voice of the poems.
About the Author: Alma Flor Ada
Alma Flor Ada, Professor Emerita at the University of San Francisco, has devoted her life to advocacy for peace by promoting a pedagogy oriented to personal realization and social justice. A former Radcliffe Scholar at Harvard University and Fulbright Research Scholar she is an internationally re-known speaker.
El nacimiento de un nino es motivo de gran alegria; es un canto de la vida que se manifiesta en torno a este nuevo ser. Y ser abuelos es una doble bendicion, que se repite cuando tenemos la serenidad paa apreciarla con nuevos ojos. Estos poemas tienen el encanto de haber sido escritos por una abuela, cuando esperaba el nacimiento de sus nietas, cargada de la emocion de ver repetirse el milagro de una nueva vida. ||| REVIEWS: “Based on a true story, Celeste Leon’s beautifully written debut novel is the story of a young man in 1940s Puerto Rico who wins the lottery, only to realize that, as the title states, luck is just the beginning…” Mayra Calvani, reviewer, Midwest Books Review “I was in utter amazement of how well written this book was, that I couldn't put it down! I was drawn immediately into the fullness of this true story, it's depth of emotions . . . It definitely will get you to reflect on moments in your life where perhaps you've struggled and have wondered the purpose of it . . .” Goodreads review “Brava to the author, Celeste Leon, on her first novel! The reader is pleasantly transported, as if in a time warp, to a small village in Puerto Rico in the 1940's. All the sights, sounds & sentiments are poetically recreated as the complications of winning the lottery for a single man and his village unfold in this poignant story. I found myself not wanting to put this book down and was both inspired and teary-eyed when it was over. I highly recommend this book with an enthusiastic two thumbs up!!” Amazon, Goodreads “The novel alludes to the timeless theme of being careful for what you wish for. However, the story is far from a predictable treatise on the evils of money. Instead, we see how a good-hearted person can triumph . . . Ramon is an inspiration, and the fact that the novel is based on a true story only adds to its power.” Daniel Cubias, Amazon
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Book Author
Alma Flor Ada
Panamericana (Colombia)
En Español
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