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¡Todos A Comer! A Mexican Food Alphabet Book

Mexican food has transcended borders and has achieved great success in the United States marketplace.

Book Author

Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez


Del Alma Publications, LLC









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SKU: 978-0982242223 Categories: , , , Tag:


Mexican food has transcended borders and has achieved great success in the United States marketplace. It is, therefore, critically important that children of all nationalities learn more about the ingredients and procedures in preparing the very delicious Mexican dishes. It is also important that Hispanic children, in particular, read more about their culture for a better understanding of the important contributions of their ancestors to the American way of life. In so doing, they will thus gain greater appreciation of their culture and take greater pride in themselves, in their people, and in their history.

About the Author:
Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez

Dr. María Alma González Pérez was born and raised in Ramireño, TX, a rural community on the Texas - Mexico border. After graduating as salutatorian of her class, Dr. Pérez attended Texas Woman's University in Denton, Texas, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in English and Spanish and a minor in education. She then obtained a Master of Arts degree in Spanish. She has additional certifications in reading, English-as-a-Second Language (ESL), and supervision. Her doctorate is in education with specialization in bilingual education from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Her dissertation is entitled “The Relationship Between Spanish Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement Among Graduates of a Small High School in South Texas.” Dr. Pérez taught English, Spanish, and Creative Writing for the Zapata Independent School District for 21 years. Thereafter, she served as full-time professor of bilingual education with The University of Texas - Pan American in Edinburg, Texas, and then as director for UTPA (now UTRGV) at Starr County in Río Grande City, TX, which specializes in the preparation of bilingual education teachers. She is a lifelong resident of the Texas Rio Grande Valley border area and is a proud mother of three daughters.


"This is a classroom text and resource for the classroom with a culturally regional focus aimed at addressing the needs of Hispanic children in the United States. These children are losing so much of their culture because of the English-only curriculum they are exposed to in this country. Instead, these children need to be made proud of their culture and identity. It is our goal that this book will be of interest and use for bilingual/dual language and early childhood programs." - Dr. Pérez REVIEWS: “¡Todos a Comer! A Mexican Food Alphabet Book is so much fun. It includes one food or dish for each letter of the Spanish alphabet (with the exception of W). The layout of each page consists of a delicious picture with Spanish text on the top and English on the bottom. The photos are colorful and feature some of the most popular dishes in Mexican cuisine. There are history lessons embedded in the short descriptions that will give parents additional topics to discuss. Families with young children should have a growing collection of books at home to be read over and over to their little ones. And for those with children learning to read, a set of alphabet books – or abecedarios – are a must! They allow children to see how letters are used in different ways and how they make up the basis of our language. Alphabet books develop literacy skills and help prepare children to begin the process of learning to read. So it is important to have abecedarios that are fun, colorful, and engaging. ¡Todos a comer! does just that." - Mommy Maestra “I read this book with my 7-year-old nephew and he gave it 5 Platypires. He said he enjoyed this book and liked that it was in English and in Spanish. He liked learning about all the different foods from Mexico some of which he has eaten. He said he plans on reading this book to his younger brothers so they can learn as well. Personally, I thought it was fun to read the book in both languages. I also enjoyed learning about all the different foods. I liked how the pictures were all colorful and when we stumbled over a word we could find the translation pretty easily. Overall, I would recommend this book to those who are in a bilingual home.” - Platypire Reviews

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Book Author

Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez


Del Alma Publications, LLC










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