Seven characters. Seven stories that capture uniquely American slices of the Latino immigrant experience. Seven explorations of humanity, longing, suffering and hope that beckon for America to reconsider and revolutionize its views of immigrants and immigration. Seven for the Revolution: Winner of four International Latino Book Awards, including First Place for Best Popular – Fiction and First Place for Best First Book – Fiction.
About the Author: Rudy Ruiz
Award-winning author Rudy Ruiz was selected as #1 among the Top Ten "New" Latino Authors to Watch & Read in 2015 by Ruiz was born in Brownsville, Texas, the son and grandson of Mexican immigrants. He grew up in a bilingual, bicultural setting along both sides of the border. At 17 he enrolled at Harvard, where he studied both government and creative writing, graduating with honors and going on to earn a Masters in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Since 1995 he has been the CEO of Interlex Communications, an advocacy marketing agency. His first book, "¡Adelante!", was acclaimed as a guide for immigrants to success in America. His essay in the anthology "Going Hungry" was recognized in Newsweek Magazine for shattering stereotypes on eating disorders. His most recent book is his fiction debut, a collection of short stories titled "Seven for the Revolution." The book won First Place in two categories of the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, including Best Popular Fiction Book and The Mariposa Award for Best First Book - Fiction. Ruiz has been hailed as "a cultural visionary" by the National Hispanic Institute.
KIRKUS REVIEWS “Many stories show real sparks of creativity as they give voices to the voiceless…most paint nuanced pictures of people seeking an impossible American dream. Well-executed stories that offer fresh perspectives on long-standing societal problems.” SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS “Rudy Ruiz writes with authority and emotion about issues close to his heart, such as immigration, but never lets a message get in the way of good storytelling and character development.” GOODREADS “An original and thought-provoking look into the culture of U.S. Latinos, both immigrants and citizens.” THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD “Local author wins big at Latino Book Awards. Brownsville-born author Rudy Ruiz won two awards last month during the 2014 International Latino Book Awards held at the American Library Association Convention in Las Vegas. Ruiz’s book, “7 for the Revolution,” won Best Popular Fiction-English and The Mariposa Award for Best First Book in Fiction.” THE MONITOR “With life along the Rio Grande as his inspiration, Rudy Ruiz, has been named a finalist in the International Latino Book Awards. Ruiz’s book “7 for the Revolution” follows seven characters and their journey through life as Latinos.” READING IN SPANGLISH Review: “The book is an enjoyable read. I would feel comfortable sharing this book with a YA reader, as well. The book’s areas of excellence are the storytelling, the ability to convey our culture so well, and originality.” READING IN SPANGLISH Interview: “Ruiz began writing as a child and has always used his experiences on the U.S.-Mexico border and his heritage as inspiration.” NATIONAL LATINO BOOK CLUB Selection: “Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club present Conversations with Las Comadres. February 2014 Additional Conversation Selection: Seven for the Revolution.” AMERICAN CITY & COUNTY Leadership Book Club Selection: “Inspired by his upbringing by Mexican immigrant parents and a career dedicated to public immigration policy, Ruiz, president of Interlex Communications and author of two previous works, brings to life the plight of the Latino immigrant experience in America.” SAN ANTONIO BUSINESS JOURNAL “Rudy Ruiz has penned a new book, “Seven for the Revolution.” It has been named a finalist in the International Latino Book Awards in the categories of: Most Inspirational Fiction Book, Best Popular Fiction Book, Best Cover Design – Fiction; and it is also up for The Mariposa Award for Best First Book – Fiction. Ruiz has been recognized as an advocate for immigrants and immigration reform.” HISPANIC MPR “Hoping to share his views on Latino immigrants and their desire to find opportunity and the American Dream Rudy Ruiz, the son of immigrants himself, shares seven fictional stories in Seven for the Revolution A Collection of Short Stories (Milagro Press, $15).” ANTESALA Translated from Spanish-language magazine review: “The book captures your interest from its opening paragraphs. I recommend this book with one note of caution: it will be impossible to stop reading it.” CNN “Border native Rudy Ruiz is the author of “Seven for the Revolution” (Milagros Press), recent winner of four 2014 International Latino Book Awards, including first place for best popular fiction. He is CEO of Interlex, an advocacy marketing agency based in San Antonio.” CONEXIÓN Translated from Spanish-language newspaper article: “Growing up along the border between Texas and Mexico in the Rio Grande Valley showed Rudy Ruiz first-hand the challenges and triumphs of immigration.” LATINOSTORIES.COM “Rudy Ruiz has been selected by as #1 among the 2015 Top Ten ‘New’ Latino Authors to Watch (and Read). Rudy Ruiz tops the list this year, and with reason. Not one sentence in Seven for the Revolution sounds like it comes from a debut fiction author. The tension in each is well-crafted, making the reader want to turn each page as quickly as possible.” THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD “Brownsville native Rudy Ruiz has taken the top spot of’s 2015 Top Ten ‘New’ Latino Authors to Watch and Read for his book ‘Seven for the Revolution.’” LA PRENSA “Latino author recognized by his peers.” THELATINOAUTHOR.COM has selected “Seven for the Revolution” as one of “The Top Ten Fiction Books by Latino Authors for 2014,” stating that “Mr. Ruiz uses seven stories to open a window into the plight of U.S. Latinos of yesteryear, of today, and of the future. He is a fantastic writer and storyteller and does a wonderful job of capturing the lives of people searching after an impossible American dream.” ANTESALA The intro translated from Spanish: “Rudy Ruiz receives awards, continues struggle on behalf of Latino immigrants.” LATIN POST “Ruiz depicts yearning and suffering on the page with purpose and intrigue, converting backstory and conversations into thunderous, nuanced stories.” LATIN POST “Mexican American writer, author and immigration advocate Rudy Ruiz was recently honored at the Los Angeles Latino Book & Family Festival. The author received three new awards for his critically acclaimed debut book ‘Seven for the Revolution.’” LATINHEAT “In a time when immigrants are under attack, Rudy Ruiz’s fiction book debut Seven for the Revolution is both timely, and brave. Seven immigrant stories that have hit a cord and propelled the book into an award-winning streak, winning four prizes at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards’ Latino Books into Movies Awards.”
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Book Author
Rudy Ruiz
Milagros Press
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