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Corazón y una lengua peregrina, Poesía y narrativa

An atypical anthology that collects throughout its pages the views of writers from different literary and cultural meridians.

Book Author

Germán Perilla Díaz, Jessica Ayala, Norma Elia Cantú, María de los Ángeles Díaz, Eloísa Pérez-Lozano, Martín Torres, Gabriela Ybarra Lemmons, Rogelio Arellano Álvarez, Lupita Vargas, Marta Silva-Serrano, Gloria Martínez Adams, José Faus, Xánath Caraza, Juanita Salazar-Lamb, Sofiana Olivera Abalán, Eugenio González Núñez.


39 West Press


En Español







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Corazón y una lengua peregrina is an atypical anthology that collects throughout its pages the views of writers from different literary and cultural meridians. It is a compendium of stories in which reality and fiction mingle to create an alternate world that arises from the social problems of its protagonists. Its introduction is an apology for Spanish-language literature in the US. This book is a defense of “a culture permanently threatened with deportation. ” Therefore, the defense of language is the defense of culture. Hence the importance of the publication of this anthology, when an atavistic feeling of hatred towards immigrants, which promises to criminalize individuals simply by their language, color or religion, is rising. In this book, there are twenty-eight poems of different backgrounds that form a homogeneous whole revealing a universal concern for our identity and our origins. We also find eleven stories, dazzling stories that recreate life and death, through experiences that transport us to Mother Earth. Although the writers of this anthology question in an internal and deep reflection the type of society in which we live, likewise, we present love as a natural consequence and some stories give us a sample of brilliant humor that brings us back to reality.

About the Author:
Germán Perilla Díaz, Jessica Ayala, Norma Elia Cantú, María de los Ángeles Díaz, Eloísa Pérez-Lozano, Martín Torres, Gabriela Ybarra Lemmons, Rogelio Arellano Álvarez, Lupita Vargas, Marta Silva-Serrano, Gloria Martínez Adams, José Faus, Xánath Caraza, Juanita Salazar-Lamb, Sofiana Olivera Abalán, Eugenio González Núñez.

The Spanish section of the Latino Writers Collective of Kansas City has been working for several years on poetry and narrative development. We meet weekly to participate in literary workshops, cultural events, editorial processes, and planning our participation in conferences and readings around the metropolitan area. Our group is compiled by a diverse group of Spanish-speaking authors from countries such as Mexico (Rogelio Arellano, Xanath Caraza, María de los Ángeles Díaz, Martín Torres, Lupita Vargas), Colombia (Jessica Ayala, José Faus, Germán Perilla Díaz), Spain (Eugenio González Núñez, Marta Silva Serrano), the United States (Norma Cantú, Gloria Martínez Adams, Juanita Salazar, Gabriela Ybarra Lemmons, Eloísa Pérez Lozano), and Perú (Sofiana Olivera Abalán). Our members are educators, librarians, journalists, artists, activists, and researchers, who aim to present a complex vision of what it means to create literature away from our respective cultural comfort areas.


Juan Felipe Herrera, Poeta laureado de Estados Unidos: "Esta antología es un nuevo mar de voces hondas, energías de Rosario Castellanos, Neruda y Borges-añoranzas, micro-historias que nos iluminan. Celebremos estos poetas de infinitos horizontes." Minerva Margarita Villarreal, Premio Nacional de Poesía, Aguascalientes, México, 2016: "Esta es la virtud del libro Corazón y una lengua peregrina. La defensa de la escritura en español es la defensa no solo de la lengua, sino de una cultura permanentemente amenazada con la deportación, una cultura de indocumentados, en la que ser hispano es estar marcado por la segregación y estar condenado a vivir con miedo, bajo el acoso y el estigma. Una cultura en la que el español queda relegado a la vergüenza, como si nuestra lengua fuera util solo para el sector terciario, para nombrar comidas y exigir trabajos que implican extenuantes fatigas." Duncan Tonatiuh, Premio al mejor Ilustrador de Libros Infantiles por el New York Times: "Corazón y una lengua peregrina posee una amplia gama de voces. Refleja la diversidad de los autores Latinos que la conforman. Sin embargo, hay un sentimiento que impregna todas sus hojas. Estos escritores se niegan a olvidar sus raíces y se niegan a olvidar las injusticias.

Additional information

Book Author

Germán Perilla Díaz, Jessica Ayala, Norma Elia Cantú, María de los Ángeles Díaz, Eloísa Pérez-Lozano, Martín Torres, Gabriela Ybarra Lemmons, Rogelio Arellano Álvarez, Lupita Vargas, Marta Silva-Serrano, Gloria Martínez Adams, José Faus, Xánath Caraza, Juanita Salazar-Lamb, Sofiana Olivera Abalán, Eugenio González Núñez.


39 West Press


En Español








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