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Metabolismo Ultra Poderoso

Things you can do to calm your nervous system to combat the damaging effects of stress.

Book Author

Frank Suárez











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SKU: 978-1732196506 Categories: , Tag:


In the book ULTRA POWERFUL METABOLISM, Frank simply explains to the reader what things you can do to calm your nervous system to combat the damaging effects of stress. It is known that stress does not allow us to lose weight or enjoy a good quality of sleep, which is why some of us wake up tired.

About the Author:
Frank Suárez

Frank Suarez, who suffered from obesity since childhood, and who failed at numerous diets including the traditional “low-calorie diet”, began researching into the subject of metabolism. His search for the causes of the “slow metabolism”, which is responsible for so many people’s failures at permanent weight loss, led him into the scientific literature addressing the restoration of healthy metabolic function. His investigation led to the identification of factors that reduced metabolic rate in people, such as sugar addiction, dehydration, yeast infections, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction and foods that negatively affect the body’s nervous or hormonal systems. As a result, in 1998 he founded NaturalSlim®, a company developed as an educational center based on a philosophy of promoting “a new healthy lifestyle”. In 2006, he published the book El Poder del Metabolismo (The Power of Your Metabolism), of which more than 500,000 copies were sold in Puerto Rico, positioning Frank Suarez as the highest-selling Puerto Rican author of modern times. Frank is known in every corner of the Island, not only for the volume of books sold to date, but because through NaturalSlim® more than 200,000 people in Puerto Rico have been helped in their quest to improve their lifestyle by improving their metabolism. Frank Suarez is a public figure considered a “health advocate” by the Spanish speaking public. He is interviewed regularly on television, radio, and in newspapers on the topics of the metabolism, the struggle against obesity, and maintaining health. In addition, he is regularly invited as a guest speaker at schools, businesses, and universities to help educate the general public so they may better understand the subject of the human metabolism. His educational technology to restore metabolism, expressed in an easy-to-understand language in his books The Power of Your Metabolism and Problem-Free Diabetes, have garnered attention from countries like Mexico where the epidemic of obesity and diabetes threatens a break-down of the public health system. In 2013, the World Health Organization named Mexico as the country with the highest percentage of overweight and obese citizens, a 71.28% incidence rate. Due to this health crisis, where 7 out of 10 Mexicans suffer from being overweight or obese, and as a direct consequence of the popularity of his books in this country, Frank was officially invited by the Governor of the State of Coahuila (population 2.7 million) to assist in the development of a public health program aimed at controlling obesity and diabetes. Therefore, beginning in 2013, the Government of Coahuila sent various health professionals to Puerto Rico to learn about his metabolism restorative technology. Currently, the Minister of Public Health for the State of Coahuila is conducting several clinical studies on obesity and the diabetes control simultaneously in which Frank’s technology to restore the metabolism is being employed. To carry out the investigation, a scientific collaboration agreement was made between the University of Coahuila (UAdeC) and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) with the purpose of documenting the evidence and publishing results of the studies under rigorous scientific standards. A factor of utmost interest to the Coahuila Minister of Health is the observation that when patients are educated and empowered regarding the control of their diabetes, a potential is created for significantly reducing their need for medications, as well as avoiding the costly long-term medical complications that ensue when a diabetic’s kidneys, eyes or nerves are affected. Frank is best known worldwide for his YouTube video educational channel called “METABOLISMOTV” where his teachings on how to recover the body’s metabolism, energy and health are seen every month by almost 20 million worldwide people and growing. In essence, to educate on these subjects he uses short videos that are delivered for free and teach practical easy to understand diet and lifestyle tips on how to beat obesity, how to control diabetes without medication and how to improve the body’s energy production capacity to naturally improve or solve all kinds of varied health problems from high blood pressure, arthritis, lack of sleep or even cancer. As of 2018 Frank’s METABOLISMOTV offers 1,500+ short educational videos and is by far the most consulted and seen health opinion leader in the Spanish speaking world with more than 2.4 million followers in YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Realizing that there are an estimated 570 million Spanish speaking public in the world and that the obesity and diabetes epidemics worldwide seem unstoppable in September of 2018 Frank launched his most ambitious educational project ever, the “Universidad del Metabolismo” (Metabolism University) also known as UNIMETAB. UNIMETAB is an online course platform that offers high quality audiovisual education in Spanish on all subjects related to Frank’s research specialty of the human body Metabolism and Health. Through his Metabolism University, UNIMETAB, Frank delivers video courses on some 40+ health topics that can be accessed through a person’s mobile device, tablet or computer 24/7. Finally, Frank Suarez is an eloquent educator and social communicator promoting his transforming message in favor of adopting a healthy lifestyle within the context of modeling moral values. He reminds us of our personal responsibility to educate ourselves in order to improve our personal health, as well as the health of our loved ones, but particularly to set a good example and protect the health of our children, for they are our future.


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Book Author

Frank Suárez








